Medical Malpractice Counsel

Stroke Misdiagnosis

Overview of Stroke Misdiagnosis.

Causes of stroke.

The most common strokes come from clots blocking arteries in the brain. These clots can develop in many ways, such as:

  • Neck trauma during a car wreck.

  • Medication errors causing reduced blood flow to the brain.

  • Medication error causing clots to form in the brain.

  • Venous throm­boemboli (DVT) traveling through the heart and into the brain.

  • Air embolism.

  • Cardiac tamponade reducing blood flow to the brain.

  • Misuse of surgical instruments, and

  • Birth trauma

Negligence of Providers to Prevent Stroke.

A stroke lawyer will handle cases when healthcare providers are negligent in preventing a stroke under certain circumstances. These failures include:

  • Failure to inves­tigate and treat the cause of a pre-stroke transient ischemic attack (TIA).

  • Failure to recognize or appreciate the warning signs of impending stroke, leading to a delay in care and treatment that causes needless harm to the patient.

  • Failure to prescribe blood thinners and/or anti-platelet medicines when such medicines are necessary.

  • Failure to properly monitor patients who are on medicines that are known to cause stroke.

Negligence of Providers to Treat a Stroke.

A stroke lawyer will also handle cases when healthcare providers are negligent in treating an ongoing stroke in a timely way. These failures include:

  • Failure of a hospital’s Emergency Department to activate the hospital’s Stroke Alert when a patient has the signs and symptoms of stroke.

  • Failure to give clot busting medicine to a patient having a stroke within the window where such medicine can successfully treat the patient and limit brain damage.

  • Failure to timely transfer a patient having a stroke to a Stroke Center.

  • Failure of floor nurses in a hospital to activate the hospital’s Stroke Alert when a patient has the signs and symptoms of a stroke.

Call me.

If you would like to discuss a potential legal matter or referral, call my office at 941-214-7122.